Joanna L. Stith, PhD, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT
Parent Support
Getting Started
Complete the Ling 6 sound test 3 times a day to ensure the hearing aid or cochlear implant is working correctly.
Ling 6 sounds are : "ah, ooo, eee, m, sh, s."
"Learning to Listen Sounds, words and phrases" adapted from the work of:
Warren Estabrooks, B.A., M.Ed., Cert. AVT, Clinical Director, Auditory-Verbal Therapy Program, North York General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Judith Simser, B.Ed, Cert. AVT, Aural Habilitation Program, Children's Hospital Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Creating a Listening Environment
Speak close to your child's hearing aid or cochlear implant microphone.
Speak in a quiet voice, at regular volume: raising the volume of your voice can often distort speech, making it more difficult to understand.
Use a slightly slower speaking rate.
Minimize all background noise; turn off window air conditioner units, fans, TV, radio's, etc..
Use speech that is repetitive and rich in melody, expression, and rhythm.
Use acoustic highlighting techniques to enhance the audibility of spoken language.
Learning to Listen
Sounds, Words, and Phrases
Boat: puh puh puh
Bus: buh buh buh
Truck: brrr honk/naanaa
Car: brrrr. Beep beep
Airplane: aaaahhh
Ambulance: weeow,weeow
Train: choo choo/woowoo
Motorcylce: vrin vrin/rin,rin
Action Words & Phrases
Pop-pop the bubbles
Close the door
Open the box
Sh-sh go to sleep
Wash-wash your hands
Blow-blow the feather
Bounce-bounce the ball
Up-up-up the stairs, blocks etc..
It goes round and round (top, wheels, pinwheel)
Wave bye-bye
Cut-cut the (banana, paper, etc)
Brush your hair, teeth
Stand up
Get the (object)
Open your eyes
Nouns & People
The clock goes tick-tock
Hi baby
The ghost says boooo
I'm mommy, I'm daddy
That's my shoe
That's my eye, nose, mouth , etc..
Pretty flower
Santa Claus: ho-ho-ho
Telephone: ring ring
Clown: ha-ha-ha
Clock: tick-tock
Cowboy: ya hoo, yee ha
Spinning things: round and round
It's hot
It's all gone
It's dirty
It's soft
It's broken
It's wet
It's missing
That's funny
Animal Sounds
Cow: moo
Fish: swish, swish
Duck: quack-quack
Lamb: baaaah
Turkey: gobble-gobble
Bird: chirp/whistle
Cat: meoww
Chicken:bak bak/cluck
Horse: neigh & Tongue click
Rabbit: hop-hop-hop
Frog: jump jump
Dog : ruff ruff
Pig: oink oink
Monkey: ee-ee-ee
Rooster: cock-a-doodle-doo
Expressive Phrases
No-no don't touch
That's hot
Pour it in
uh-oh, he fell
You're welcome
What a mess
b-r-r-r that's cold
Help please!
That's pretty
Help me
That's all
I want a
See you late
Look at that
M-m-m that's good
I want more
No, no!
It's too heavy
More please!
Thank you
Let's clean up