Joanna L. Stith, PhD, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT
Principles of Listening and Spoken Language Therapy
To detect hearing impairment as early as possible through screening programs, ideally in the newborn nursery and throughout childhood.
To pursue prompt and aggressive audiological management and maintenance of appropriate aids (hearing aids, cochlear implants, etc.).
To guide, counsel, and support parents and caregivers as the primary models for spoken language development and to help them understand the impact of deafness and hearing impairment on the entire family.
To help children integrate listening into their development of communication and social skills.
To support children's auditory-verbal development through one-on-one teaching.
To help children monitor their own voices and the voices of others in order to enhance the intelligibility of their own speech.
To use the developmental patterns of listening, language, speech, and cognition to stimulate natural communication.
To continuously assess and evaluate children's development and, through diagnostic intervention, modify the program when needed.
To provide support services to facilitate children's educational and social inclusion in regular education classes.
Importance of Listening and Spoken Language
When aided properly, children with even profound hearing losses can detect, most if not all, speech.
A child who has a hearing impairment need not automatically be a visual learner ( i.e. sign language), rather he/she can learn how to be an auditory learner.
Children learn language most effectively through consistent and continual, meaningful learning interactions in a supportive environment.
As verbal language develops, with audition, reading skills can also develop.
Parents in LSL programs do not need to learn sign language.
LSL uses and encourages the maximum use of hearing, and stresses listening rather than watching.
LSL uses a team approach to therapy that allows for a more complete education environment.
Why Should My Child Learn to Listen?
Children with normal hearing learn to readily detect sounds in their environment during infancy. They listen and learn that certain sounds have certain meanings. In this way, they learn to recognize, understand and speak words. This is auditory (listening) and verbal (speaking) communication. As they grow, they continue to build their vocabulary and language skills as they interact and communicate with others.
Children with hearing impairments can also communicate in this way, however, they need help to learn to detect and recognize sounds around them. They must be taught that listening is useful and necessary to verbally communicate.
Children with hearing impairments CAN LEARN TO LISTEN TOO!!