Joanna L. Stith, PhD, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT
Terms You Will Hear Along the Way
Learning to Listen Sounds
The list of sounds that are used to represent objects. For instance, "aaah" represents an airplane and "moo" represents a cow. They are used with the beginning listener.
Ling 6 Sound Test
A test of listening that is done periodically throughout the day where the child which requires the child to respond to 6 sounds (ah, oo, ee, sh, s, and m) presented auditorally. The child completes an action or imitates the sound when heard. These sounds represent the sounds across the frequency range for speech.
The verbal-visual demonstration of what you want the child to do, especially for imitation purposes. For instance, if you wanted the child to drop a block in a box upon hearing a sound, you the parent would model this for the child.
​The way in which we use vocal qualities such as stress, duration, pitch, and volume, to relay the meaning being said. Intonation.
It is with these intonation/suprasegmental changes in our speech that we are able to make a question or a statement with the same words. i.e. You're going to the beach? Or You're going to the beach.
Critical Elements
The parts of a message that contain the critical information in regard to comprehension of the message
i.e. Pick up the blue circle after the red square. This sequence has 5 critical elements.
Residual Hearing
The amount of hearing an individual has at various frequencies without his/her hearing aid/cochlear implant.
Hearing Age
The length of time the child has been receiving auditory input.
i.e. a 3 year old child who was born deaf, and received her cochlear implant at 2 years of age, as a hearing age of 1 year.
Speech used by parents/caregivers in talking with young children to help them in learning language.